Thursday, July 5, 2012

Getting to Peru

Okay, so I know that a lot of stuff has happened in the past few days that are a lot more significant than the actual flights here, but those were still pretty crazy. So I decided that I would like to write about those. So we left from Sky Harbor at around 7:30 despite being there for two hours prior. We basically all slept on that flight. We were in LAX for only a brief period, but it was still long enough for Sam to get yelled at by the old lady working at the airport’s Sushi Boy for something that he didn’t do. Then we got on the 9hr flight to Lima. And I don’t think anyone really slept, which made getting to Piura with a full day in front of us especially difficult. Even though it was a boring 9hrs, it was still 9hrs, and no other 9hr period on this trip has gotten away without being blogged about, so I’ll blog about that flight.
            Even though we’re not supposed to use technology on this trip, we were allowed to watch the movies provided for us on the flight. Nice thing about international flights is that they usually have little screens with like 50 movies on them and a bunch of TV shows. Even though I spent the majority of the trip watching my own screen, it’s really fun for me to see what everyone else is watching, so that’s what I did. I can tell you the fan favorite was This Means War, by a landslide. I don’t know why everyone decided to watch that, but they did. I’ve actually heard that movie is decent as far as chick-flicks go, but I still couldn’t help but stupidly believe that I was smarter than everyone for watching The King’s Speech instead. Not that there’s anything wrong with This Means War, I just don’t want to watch it. Tom Hardy is cool, but Chris Pine’s eyes have actually passed the threshold into the “Too-Doughy” area. But the real reason that I would never watch that movie is because of Chelsea Handler. There is no reason to like Chelsea Handler, but everyone loves her. It makes no sense. People like here because they feel like by listening to her “jokes,” they are validating the hours of reality TV which she speaks upon by making fun of it, and allowing her viewers to experience the cleansing humility for watching said programs. But liking Chelsea Handler doesn’t make it O.K. to watch reality television. By only talking about trashy TV, Chelsea Handler has made herself an amalgamation of everything that is terrible about that culture. She’s made herself perceived as the ideal television watcher. But why would anyone want to be that? So that’s what everyone did. They watched a movie with Chelsea Handler.

-Jackson Parker

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